Eden Church is a Bible-believing, God-glorifying, Christ-centered, Spirit-filled church in Columbus, Georgia that is rooted in Loving God and Loving People through Serving them as Jesus has served us, so we are able to Reach the Lost and Teach the Found: the genuine meaning behind the message of the Cross. Truth, love, and sacrificial service allows us to Develop the Business of the Church through taking the Good News of the Gospel outside of the Church walls and into the community, so we are able to highlight those individuals that society and sin continually oppress.
Not only do we focus on loving, serving, reaching, teaching, developing, and highlighting, but we also center on family. Being a part of Eden Church gets you free coffee and fun times, but it more importantly allows you to belong to a body of people that will encourage, support, and edify you on a day-to-day basis. This family wants you to realize the full potential God has granted you and to help you grow into the person He has called you to be. We love you, and God loves you even more!”